If you've ever written an op-ed, a jillion questions have probably come to mind.
How should I structure my argument?
Is this op-ed even good?
Will a news outlet actually want to publish this?
Who should I email my pitch to?
Will they even read my pitch email?
Am I doing any of this right?
The answers to many of these questions won't pop up in a Google search. That's why Elise created this short video course, to concisely answer every question you could possibly have about the op-ed writing and pitching process. Rather than offering vague or merely motivational advice, Elise has created an original, step-by-step op-ed framework that will make the writing and pitching process a breeze.
Meet the Instructor: Elise Daniel
Elise has over a decade experience writing and pitching op-eds for thought leaders including members of Congress, policy experts, business and non-profit leaders, theologians, and academic scholars. Her and her clients' articles have been published in Forbes, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Fox News, The Hill, Morning Consult, The Washington Examiner, Axios, Relevant Magazine, The Christian Post, and the list goes on! Elise is excited to share her best op-ed writing tips with you and help you get published in major news outlets.
What are our students saying?
Damian Bell, Chief Speechwriter and Communications Advisor for Governor Kim Reynolds
Even for established writers, writing an op-ed is often an intimidating process rife with pitfalls. In "How to Write a Great Op-ed," Elise's years of experience and success show: she charts a sure course from the strong but disorganized thoughts that swirl around our head to a crisp and convincing final product. Those looking to publish for the first time will find a reliable tool that will make them seem like old hands; experienced ghostwriters will encounter useful techniques that they'll wish they had thought of themselves. For anyone interested in contributing to the battle of ideas, the course pays for itself.
Jana Aplin, Freelance Copywriter and Content Editor
I've been a copywriter for 5 years, but I've never written an op-ed — until today. Elise walked me through the step-by-step process from brainstorming to pitching, and I paused each video to answer her detailed prompts and questions. After I finished the course, I had a solid outline for my very first op-ed. I trust that Elise's expertise and guidelines will help me make a few pitches and even get published!
Zack Slingsby, Writer & Founder of Human Factor Media
Elise's writing program will teach you to craft an op-ed that actually breaks through the din of noise that is our modern digital world. She unpacks style, substance, structure, submission and promotion in a way that demystifies each step and distills into a few hours what she has learned in over a decade as a communications professional. At a time when everyone is giving vague advice about how to succeed, Elise takes the time to show you step by step how to truly be successful in making your voice unique and then getting that voice heard by the masses.
What you'll learn
In this course, you will learn how to organize your thoughts into a compelling and persuasive opinion piece. Elise doesn't just give vague pointers, she'll give you a crystal clear framework that will help you put all the puzzle pieces together one step at a time.
In this course, you will learn:
- The right questions to answer during the brainstorming process to set your op-ed up for success before you even begin writing
- Elise's original op-ed writing framework that will put the puzzle pieces of your argument together for you
- Easy writing tips you can instantly incorporate to bring more clarity to your message and punch up your argument
- Everything you need to know about the pitching process from how to select news outlets to how to write an compelling query email
- A live demonstration of an original op-ed Elise wrote and published that walks you through the entire process from start to finish
- Elise's final op-ed advice and how to avoid common pitfalls
Elise has also included three bonus PDF materials you can download, save, and fill in yourself over and over again for each op-ed you write:
- An op-ed brainstorming questionnaire
- Elise's op-ed blueprint
- A complete op-ed writing checklist
Whether you are new to op-ed writing or have been at it for years, this course will give you a specific op-ed plan concrete steps forward, leaving no questions unanswered.
Why write op-eds?
Publishing an op-ed is like giving your thoughts a stage and a microphone. Regularly writing and publishing op-eds can help you...
- Get thousands of new eyes on your important message
- Grow your online platform including social media followers
- Improve your bio and resume/CV, which can lead to more publishing and speaking opportunities
- Secure other media opportunities including TV, radio, or podcast invitations to discuss your op-ed on air
- Position yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise
- Change hearts and minds! Studies show that opinion pieces have a long-lasting impact on public opinion.
Everyone is an "influencer" these days but few are real and respected thought leaders. Regularly publishing op-eds is key to establishing and maintaining authentic thought leadership.
Example Curriculum
Preview the Introduction
Get a taste of Elise's op-ed course by previewing the introduction video. In this three minute video, you'll get to know Elise and she'll give you an overview of what to expect throughout the course.